#3480 - Not compatible for Sugar 7.10 - Productive Instance Down
Hello Rolustech Support Team,
we have a very big issue for one of our customers productive instande.
We installed the latest package RT_GSync_Sugar7V3.7.6 which should support SugarCRM 7.10,
after installation and validation of the license key we get an we get an error 500 which renders the application unusable.
In the past we have found out with sugar support that it has to do with the following file:
which has a problem with the file path
in line 58 of this file you have:
... cache/Google_Cache.php
if we change it to
require_once 'custom/include/Google/google-api-php-client/src/cache/Google_Cache.php';
we at least can log in into the instance.
Please provide a verified fix ASAP,
Kind Regards
Thomas J. Rychlik
7 years ago
7 years ago