#3123 - SuiteCRM Cases Status/State
Hi Implicit,
We are testing version 3.1.12 (Enterprise) on a SuiteCRM system running 7.8.3.
There appears to be an issue with Case Statuses.
In SuiteCRM compared to SugarPRO there are two Case Status DropDown Fields, State and Status. State has the values 'Open' or 'Closed' and the Status field has the custom status values depending on what you select in the state field.
So if you were to select 'Open' in the state field all of the DynamicDropdown statuses would show your Open case statues, the same process for Closed.
The Impicit plugin does not appear to work with the status fields, when I attempt to create a case from within Outlook there are no statuses recognised; if I look a the cases that have been synced to Outlook the Statuses show Closed_Closed, Open_Assigned, Open_Pending_Development etc which are the database values in the Status DynamcDropdown list.
I look forward to your reply.
Kind regards,
7 years ago
Actually this issue was not related to Implicit. Apologies for posting. Please close this issue.