by Chad Hutchins

Manually run scheduler jobs and queued jobs with the click of the button. Great for testing and debugging your schedulers. Stop waiting on the cron and get your work done faster. Great for On-demand systems.

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#2129 - 7.7.0 Health Check Compatability

Closed Bug? created by dtronolone Verified Purchase 8 years ago
Getting error when trying to upgrade to 7.7 when running the health check: [2016-04-28T18:05:15+00:00] INFO => F: [Issue 132][red][extensionDir][519][Extension dir custom/modules/Schedulers/Ext/ActionFile Map detected] Stock Sugar module has one of the extensions which we do not support for upgrade, such as customized routing, access control, Javascript, etc. RESOLVED BY: by commenting out kickoffjob.php in the file listed (temp solution)
  1. chad member avatar

    Chad Hutchins Provider Affiliate

    8 years ago

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