by Chad Hutchins

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#826 - Installation failed

Closed Bug? created by jblack 10 years ago
I got this message in my On Demand 6.7.6 instance Installation failed! The package you are attempting to install does not conform to the policies established within the Sugar Open Cloud or by your system administrator. Sugar Open Cloud customers must obtain a new package from the package provider that addresses the issues described below. If you are running Sugar locally, you can relax your Module Loader restrictions to allow the package to be installed. The Sugar Open Cloud package loading policies are detailed in the SugarCRM Knowledge Base. The available restrictions and exceptions are detailed in the SugarCRM Developer Zone. File Issues LICENSE Invalid file extension Do you know what might be going on?
  1. chad member avatar

    Chad Hutchins Provider Affiliate

    10 years ago

  2. jblack member avatar


    10 years ago

  3. chad member avatar

    Chad Hutchins Provider Affiliate

    10 years ago

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