
Last Activity Dates allows users to see when the Target, Lead, Contact, or Account was last communicated with. It can also drill down to each activity type and quickly create a list of customers or prospects that haven't had contact within a set timeframe, making it perfect for account management, sales, customer service, and other customer-facing departments.

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#4716 - Populate Missing Dates not happening

Closed Bug? created by Bud Hartley Verified Purchase 2 years ago

I successfully installed the Add-On yesterday, and I placed the four Activity Fields in the Record Layout where they are not likely to be seen by many users. After opening a few Account and Contact Records I noticed that many had no data in the four fields. I selected the "Populate Missing Dates" option in the Admin section, hoping it wouldn't impact performance too much. It doesn't . Maybe because the fields aren't being populated until a call or email is recorded.

Currently, there are only 111 Accounts and 135 Contacts with any data in the fields.

I'm looking for information on how I can get the fields populated on all records so the Reports we desire will be accurate. How are the updates triggered if not with the "Populate Missing Dates"?

  1. BudHartley member avatar

    Bud Hartley Verified Purchase

    2 years ago

    I did see the text in the user guide that says: "The fields will automatically populate when the related activity record is saved, with the latest date of the related record type (Email, Call, Meeting). The Last Activity field will then calculate based on the latest of these fields to display the most recent activity of any type."

    I will do a mass update on a bunch of Email records setting the Teams to "Global" (which is actually what all of them are now) to see if that will trigger the updates.

  2. BudHartley member avatar

    Bud Hartley Verified Purchase

    2 years ago

    FYI: I did a mass update on 542 emails setting the Team to Global - It did not trigger the update of the fields.

  3. BudHartley member avatar

    Bud Hartley Verified Purchase

    2 years ago

    It looks like the add-on may not be working:

  4. BudHartley member avatar

    Bud Hartley Verified Purchase

    2 years ago

    I created a report to show all contacts that didn't have a date in any of the four new fields. I was surprised to see that there were over 29,000 of them. I looked to see if any of them had a date in the "Last Email with Contact" field that I'd created which is updated any time the record is saved. There were more than 7,000 that had a date in 2022 - some as recent as last week.

    I was so hopeful that this add-on would be the replacement for the two fields I coded long ago. I'll keep testing.

    P.S. It's also perplexing that the dates in the new fields are not always accurate when you look at the sub-panel of the Contact record. My prior post has a screenshot of one such record.

  5. BudHartley member avatar

    Bud Hartley Verified Purchase

    2 years ago

    I trust that you had a good holiday (I'm assuming someone actually reads these postings about bugs).

    I've done more investigating and work on our system trying to sort out the how and why the dates in the Add-On are populated. I did some "clean-up" of our database over the past few days and here's the "net" of what I have in my Accounts module. I created a new report with the following Filter: Accounts > Last Email Is Empty Accounts > Last e-mail with Account Is Not Empty There are 7,037 Accounts that have an email date in the Email field that I created years ago which is updated when the record is saved, but no date in the Add-On field.

    Of that total number, 1,697 of the Account records have at least one Email in the Sub-Panel with a 2022 date (the others have Emails from earlier dates - Yes, we have accounts that haven't had an email communication in more than one year)

    Only 18 of the 1,697 records have a date in the "Last Activity" field.. However, the Last Call field seems to have been populated for most entries and the date matches the date I have in the "Last Call with Account" but the Last Activity date field is not populated.

  6. BudHartley member avatar

    Bud Hartley Verified Purchase

    2 years ago

    Another screenshot of a report I ran this morning - Date in "Last Activity" but nothing in the "Last Email" although there is an email in the sub panel of the Account record (my calculated field has the date)

  7. BudHartley member avatar

    Bud Hartley Verified Purchase

    2 years ago

    This is discouraging... The Last Email and Last Activity fields aren't being updated.

    P.S. I'm not sure if the attachments are working in this dialog box. My prior postings are still in the box and I haven't deleted them when I add more...,

    • enableit-primary-contact member avatar Verified Purchase

      2 years ago


      I will contact you now via email to assist you with your issue, thanks!

      Kind Regards, Zac

  8. BudHartley member avatar

    Bud Hartley Verified Purchase

    2 years ago

    I've responded to your Email with the details... Thanks for looking into this. I hope to remove the two fields I created and start using the ones in the Add-On.

  9. BudHartley member avatar

    Bud Hartley Verified Purchase

    2 years ago

    The time difference between the West Coast of the USA and the UK is somewhat problematic. I've been in Email communication with Zac at Enable.Services over the past two days, and he has been trying to assist by asking if we had a license (we do) and if we have the latest version 1.4.1 (we do - see my other posting about 1.3 not being installable in the On-Demand environment and the apology then the creation of release 1.4.1 that corrected that issue).

    I think I may have determined why Contact and Account records are not properly reflecting the Last Email and Last Activity!

    I believe the issue may be that there are multiple contacts that share an email address. Generic addresses like "" or "" . The second issue is that there are many contacts that have more than one email address and the Add-On product seems to be picking up just one of them.

    I'm still looking for the reason WHY the records on our system aren't being properly updated - I suspect that we aren't the only company that has this issue.

  10. enableit-primary-contact member avatar Verified Purchase

    a year ago

    We have now redesigned the plugin from the ground up and as of the latest version 2.0.0 all previous issues regarding installation, dynamically linked email dates, and recalculation of historic data are now resolved.

    I will close this case off, but please do not hesitate to contact us should you have any future questions.

    Kind Regards, Zac

    • BudHartley member avatar

      Bud Hartley Verified Purchase

      a year ago

      Hi Zac,

      I've installed release 2.0 and the system is in the process of populating the Last Email fields and the Last Call fields of Contact records. The process is slow because of the triggering of Processes and I'll be patient while it does updates. this is encouraging!

      Thus far, no Account records have been updated - I'll try to be patient and see if this happens after the Contact record updates.

      I have not run the: "Click the below button if you wish to get the system to recalculate every records last activity data" and will wait until tonight after folks have gone home for the day.

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