by urdhvatech

The UI is THE most over looked efficiency opportunity. Kick out that old-fashioned SugarCRM Community Edition UX! An upgrade safe, Bootstrap 3 implemetation. What that means to you is industry proven, effective UI design. Our premium theme comes with 4 different color schemes - Black with Blazing Red / Forest Green / Sun Burst Orange / Serene Blue.

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#1364 - Menu dropdown does not work

Closed Bug? created by rwiek Verified Purchase 9 years ago

We are using the latest suitecrm version and installed this theme. However it seems that the menu does not work anymore. None of the items are clickable. Only the home button all the way on the left still works...

  1. urdhvatech-primary-contact member avatar


    9 years ago


    We apologize to say that the product is developed only for SugarCRM CE versions. May be you have overlooked before buying the theme.

    Thanks, Team Urdhva Tech

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