by urdhvatech

The UI is THE most over looked efficiency opportunity. Kick out that old-fashioned SugarCRM Community Edition UX! An upgrade safe, Bootstrap 3 implemetation. What that means to you is industry proven, effective UI design. Our premium theme comes with 4 different color schemes - Black with Blazing Red / Forest Green / Sun Burst Orange / Serene Blue.

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#2460 - Module Menu Filter not working in SugarCRM CE 6.5.24

Closed Bug? created by Jawad Zafar 8 years ago

I have installed the theme and found my Module Menu Filter is not working. Please suggest any quick fixes.

  1. ccenter member avatar

    Jawad Zafar

    8 years ago

    Its been 4 days and I haven't received any reply from your team. Can you please respond?

  2. urdhvatech-primary-contact member avatar


    8 years ago

    Hello jawad Zafar,

    Sorry for late reply, Our team was on holiday due to festivals. Our premium theme doesn't support group module menu style (Module Menu Filter) because of un-upgradesafe solution.

    Thanks & Regards, Team Urdhva Tech

  3. ccenter member avatar

    Jawad Zafar

    8 years ago

    Your compatibility section doesn't mentioned such limitations. Please provide a fix asap as I need it very urgently.

  4. ccenter member avatar

    Jawad Zafar

    8 years ago

    Why this bug is closed without any positive response? Are you listening to the customer problems?

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