by urdhvatech

The UI is THE most over looked efficiency opportunity. Kick out that old-fashioned SugarCRM Community Edition UX! An upgrade safe, Bootstrap 3 implemetation. What that means to you is industry proven, effective UI design. Our premium theme comes with 4 different color schemes - Black with Blazing Red / Forest Green / Sun Burst Orange / Serene Blue.

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#848 - Email Popup Attachment Not Working

Closed Bug? created by donkennedy Verified Purchase 10 years ago

One of the first bugs I have noticed with this theme involves the email "popup" window. When you go to an account, click on that account's email address to spawn the popup. If you attempt to add a file to the email as an attachment, you can't. The button doesn't work and you simply can't browse to find the file you wish to attach. However, if you use the email module to create a new email, then select the recipient (or type the email address in) you can use the attachment feature and the button to browse for the file location works just fine. We've tried with on numerous browsers of various platforms and get the same result. Could this be a script issue with the theme or some other problem with our sugar installation. It worked fine before we selected this theme.

  1. urdhvatech-primary-contact member avatar


    10 years ago

    Hello donkennedy,

    Thank you for pointing out that issue. Yes, It was a bug. and good point is we just fixed and uploaded here. You can download latest package and try.

    Thanks Team Urdhva Tech web :

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