by provalida
See everything about related records without having to leave what you are working on. On a Contact and want to see the Account information? Just click the preview-eye button to see a preview. Works with all modules that are not in BWC mode.
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7 years ago
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Create a consolidated customer 360 view, streamline accounting processes, consolidate martech data for real-time marketing insights, optimize your sales and supply chain pipelines, or build live an...
Metrics enables users to view and generate reports based on additional data obtained from user and client activity, without any additional effort. This process is entirely automatic. Get additional...
Save time and increase agent productivity with click-to-dial, letting the platform log inbound and outbound calls. Nablasol Genesys integrates the Genesys Cloud (aka PureCloud) with SugarCRM, makin...
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7 years ago