#1918 - GPS record position iwrh Quick CRM
Dear support staff. I would like to know if its possible to record the coordinates of the different movements of the person that uses the app. For example, I need that a person record the information by a QR code in different locations. But I would like to know that if as soon as this person records the QR code record the coordinates of the location that this person is at. And keep it in an historical table or something like this. Please let me know. Kind regards.
8 years ago
Hello Ana,
If you have a custom module for this historical table (with Latitude, Longitude fields), it would be very easy to add a button on the app Home Page so that user can store coordinates.
Best regards,
8 years ago
Dear Support Staff. Thank you for your answer. Do you know how the Uber application works. Do you have it on your mobile? Do you know that in Uber if you go to the history in the main menu. You can see all your trips and the track reflected on a map that is taken fro google maps. What we need is something like this. We have a company that has different people that should go to several places. And I need a recorded evidence that this employees make her track. Because is saves in the platform. Please let me know if its possible.
8 years ago
If I understand correctly, you would not want a button, but a function that would automatically storecurrent coordinates every x minutes. That would also be possible.
8 years ago
Well. I need to need the track of what is making the person in every trip. This usually is going to be from the beginning to the end. If its not possible at least to keep the coordinates in a button but we need that this shows in map. So at the end of the tracks we can see in the map where the person was for the entire day. I will send you the UBER images. So we are wondering if its possible to do something like this. For you help. We are going to create the fields that wiil relate that I will send it on another communication. Kind regards.
8 years ago
Hello Ana, I guess that would require quite a few customizations both in your CRM and in the app. As far as displaying maps in SugarCRM, the easiest way would be to install JJW Design Google Maps module as it is supposed to be compatible with version 6.2 ... or upgrade to SuiteCRM. Then, storing coordinates every x minutes or every x seconds would be possible from the app.
Kind regards,
8 years ago
Dear Support Staff. Thank you for your soon response. If I upgrade the version of my sugar. between the 6.5 and the 7.5 witch one do you recommend the most. Meanwhile I am going to install what you suggest. And then I will send you the name of the fields. Kind regards
8 years ago
Dear Support Staff I alredy intall the version JJW Deging Google Maps. Initialy please let ne know if you can make it possible to save the coordenates and make a buton so when I clisk on it stars recording the track and then when I click in another boton stopd the track and save it as one trac in Google Maps. And another boton that saves the curren location. Please let me know the time this should take and how much is going to cost me. Kind regards.
8 years ago
On what module should that coordinates be saved?
8 years ago
Dear Support Staff in the module with the name Rondas_GPS. With fields mao_longitud and mao_latitud
8 years ago
Dear Ana,
Regarding time and cost, Benoit Luquet (our manager) will get back to you by e-mail.
Best regards,
8 years ago
Dear Support Staff. Please let me know if you already talk with the person that define the price and time to develope. Kind regards.
8 years ago
Dear Support Staff. Ok this is what we need. We need to record points not track anymore. Just point. that showa in a map. This poins we need them to chow in sequency, what I mean is 1,2,3 depending what visit first. So what the person is located in the place. The person should be able to press a button and this will recod his coordates, time, user, and location he is visiting at. We need this to be show in the app and in sugar also. Please let me know the time of develop and cost. Kind regards.
8 years ago
Hi, What do you mean by "Location"? Whould that just be an address? or an account? a contact?
8 years ago
An address that could be from a lead or an account. Please let me know
8 years ago
Then I guess we would need two buttons. One from the Lead view and one from the account view so that we know from what location the user is. Would that be OK?
8 years ago
Dear Support Staff I consulted with my team. And we need the botton in cases. Only in cases. Please let me know what you can do about this. Kind regards.
8 years ago
That's clear now as we can retrieve the account from the case. But there would be no way to retrieve a lead. Is that OK?
8 years ago
That is ok No problem.