#1590 - Issue with Module and edit view
I have installed the module and created a rating field. In detailed view the star rating appears as it should. In edit view it returns a page of errors and it appears to have re-written my module labels for some of my fields. Removing the field returns everything back to normal.
I am running SuiteCRM 7.3.1 on a Linux server.
The error message returned from the server logs is as follows:
_Sep 12 13:47:45 crm-2 httpd: PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined method OutfittersLicense_StarRating::checkField() in /path/folder-name/custom/include/SugarFields/Fields/Rate/SugarFieldRate.php on line 22
Below is the extract of the error message below when you select edit on a record.. Please can you advise me of what is causing the problem?
{* /********************************************************************************* * SugarCRM Community Edition is a customer relationship management program developed by * SugarCRM, Inc. Copyright (C) 2004-2013 SugarCRM Inc. * SuiteCRM is an extension to SugarCRM Community Edition developed by Salesagility Ltd. * Copyright (C) 2011 - 2014 Salesagility Ltd. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under * the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3 as published by the * Free Software Foundation with the addition of the following permission added * to Section 15 as permitted in Section 7(a): FOR ANY PART OF THE COVERED WORK * IN WHICH THE COPYRIGHT IS OWNED BY SUGARCRM, SUGARCRM DISCLAIMS THE WARRANTY * OF NON INFRINGEMENT OF THIRD PARTY RIGHTS. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more * details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with * this program; if not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses or write to the Free * Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA * 02110-1301 USA. * * You can contact SugarCRM, Inc. headquarters at 10050 North Wolfe Road, * SW2-130, Cupertino, CA 95014, USA. or at email address contact@sugarcrm.com. * * The interactive user interfaces in modified source and object code versions * of this program must display Appropriate Legal Notices, as required under * Section 5 of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3. * * In accordance with Section 7(b) of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3, * these Appropriate Legal Notices must retain the display of the "Powered by * SugarCRM" logo and "Supercharged by SuiteCRM" logo. If the display of the logos is not * reasonably feasible for technical reasons, the Appropriate Legal Notices must * display the words "Powered by SugarCRM" and "Supercharged by SuiteCRM". ********************************************************************************/ *} {* /********************************************************************************* * SugarCRM Community Edition is a customer relationship management program developed by * SugarCRM, Inc. Copyright (C) 2004-2013 SugarCRM Inc. * SuiteCRM is an extension to SugarCRM Community Edition developed by Salesagility Ltd. * Copyright (C) 2011 - 2014 Salesagility Ltd. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under * the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3 as published by the * Free Software Foundation with the addition of the following permission added * to Section 15 as permitted in Section 7(a): FOR ANY PART OF THE COVERED WORK * IN WHICH THE COPYRIGHT IS OWNED BY SUGARCRM, SUGARCRM DISCLAIMS THE WARRANTY * OF NON INFRINGEMENT OF THIRD PARTY RIGHTS. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more * details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with * this program; if not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses or write to the Free * Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA * 02110-1301 USA. * * You can contact SugarCRM, Inc. headquarters at 10050 North Wolfe Road, * SW2-130, Cupertino, CA 95014, USA. or at email address contact@sugarcrm.com. * * The interactive user interfaces in modified source and object code versions * of this program must display Appropriate Legal Notices, as required under * Section 5 of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3. * * In accordance with Section 7(b) of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3, * these Appropriate Legal Notices must retain the display of the "Powered by * SugarCRM" logo and "Supercharged by SuiteCRM" logo. If the display of the logos is not * reasonably feasible for technical reasons, the Appropriate Legal Notices must * display the words "Powered by SugarCRM" and "Supercharged by SuiteCRM". ********************************************************************************/ *}
{if isset($smarty.request.isDuplicate) && $smarty.request.isDuplicate eq "true"} {else} {/if} {if (!empty($smarty.request.return_module) || !empty($smarty.request.relate_to)) && !(isset($smarty.request.isDuplicate) && $smarty.request.isDuplicate eq "true")} {/if} {assign var='place' value="_HEADER"}
{if $bean->aclAccess("save")}
{/if} {if !empty($smarty.request.return_action) && ($smarty.request.return_action == "DetailView" && !empty($smarty.request.return_id))} {elseif !empty($smarty.request.return_action) && ($smarty.request.return_action == "DetailView" && !empty($fields.id.value))} {elseif empty($smarty.request.return_action) || empty($smarty.request.return_id) && !empty($fields.id.value)} {else} {/if} {if $bean->aclAccess("detail")}{if !empty($fields.id.value) && $isAuditEnabled}
{sugar_include include=$includes}
{* Generate the Tab headers *}
{sugar_translate label='LBL_EDITVIEW_PANEL11' module='rls_Candidates'}
{sugar_translate label='LBL_EDITVIEW_PANEL34' module='rls_Candidates'}
{sugar_translate label='LBL_EDITVIEW_PANEL9' module='rls_Candidates'}
{sugar_translate label='LBL_EDITVIEW_PANEL33' module='rls_Candidates'}
{sugar_translate label='LBL_EDITVIEW_PANEL21' module='rls_Candidates'}
{counter name="panelFieldCount" start=0 print=false assign="panelFieldCount"} {counter name="fieldsUsed" start=0 print=false assign="fieldsUsed"} {capture name="tr" assign="tableRow"} {counter name="fieldsUsed"} {** if not explicitly assigned, we will default to 0 for 508 compliance reasons, instead of the calculated tabIndexVal value **} {/capture} {if $fieldsUsed > 0 } {$tableRow} {/if} {counter name="fieldsUsed" start=0 print=false assign="fieldsUsed"} {capture name="tr" assign="tableRow"} {counter name="fieldsUsed"} {** if not explicitly assigned, we will default to 0 for 508 compliance reasons, instead of the calculated tabIndexVal value **} {counter name="fieldsUsed"} {** if not explicitly assigned, we will default to 0 for 508 compliance reasons, instead of the calculated tabIndexVal value **} {/capture} {if $fieldsUsed > 0 } {$tableRow} {/if} {counter name="fieldsUsed" start=0 print=false assign="fieldsUsed"} {capture name="tr" assign="tableRow"} {counter name="fieldsUsed"} {** if not explicitly assigned, we will default to 0 for 508 compliance reasons, instead of the calculated tabIndexVal value **} {counter name="fieldsUsed"} {** if not explicitly assigned, we will default to 0 for 508 compliance reasons, instead of the calculated tabIndexVal value **} {/capture} {if $fieldsUsed > 0 } {$tableRow} {/if} {counter name="fieldsUsed" start=0 print=false assign="fieldsUsed"} {capture name="tr" assign="tableRow"} {counter name="fieldsUsed"} {** if not explicitly assigned, we will default to 0 for 508 compliance reasons, instead of the calculated tabIndexVal value **} {counter name="fieldsUsed"} {** if not explicitly assigned, we will default to 0 for 508 compliance reasons, instead of the calculated tabIndexVal value **} {/capture} {if $fieldsUsed > 0 } {$tableRow} {/if} {counter name="fieldsUsed" start=0 print=false assign="fieldsUsed"} {capture name="tr" assign="tableRow"} {counter name="fieldsUsed"} {** if not explicitly assigned, we will default to 0 for 508 compliance reasons, instead of the calculated tabIndexVal value **} {counter name="fieldsUsed"} {** if not explicitly assigned, we will default to 0 for 508 compliance reasons, instead of the calculated tabIndexVal value **} {/capture} {if $fieldsUsed > 0 } {$tableRow} {/if} {counter name="fieldsUsed" start=0 print=false assign="fieldsUsed"} {capture name="tr" assign="tableRow"} {counter name="fieldsUsed"} {** if not explicitly assigned, we will default to 0 for 508 compliance reasons, instead of the calculated tabIndexVal value **} {counter name="fieldsUsed"} {** if not explicitly assigned, we will default to 0 for 508 compliance reasons, instead of the calculated tabIndexVal value **} {counter name="fieldsUsed"} {** if not explicitly assigned, we will default to 0 for 508 compliance reasons, instead of the calculated tabIndexVal value **} {counter name="fieldsUsed"} {** if not explicitly assigned, we will default to 0 for 508 compliance reasons, instead of the calculated tabIndexVal value **} {/capture} {if $fieldsUsed > 0 } {$tableRow} {/if}
{if $panelFieldCount == 0} {/if}
{counter name="panelFieldCount" start=0 print=false assign="panelFieldCount"}
{sugar_translate label='LBL_EDITVIEW_PANEL12' module='rls_Candidates'}
{counter name="fieldsUsed" start=0 print=false assign="fieldsUsed"} {capture name="tr" assign="tableRow"} {counter name="fieldsUsed"} {** if not explicitly assigned, we will default to 0 for 508 compliance reasons, instead of the calculated tabIndexVal value **} {counter name="fieldsUsed"} {** if not explicitly assigned, we will default to 0 for 508 compliance reasons, instead of the calculated tabIndexVal value **} {/capture} {if $fieldsUsed > 0 } {$tableRow} {/if} {counter name="fieldsUsed" start=0 print=false assign="fieldsUsed"} {capture name="tr" assign="tableRow"} {counter name="fieldsUsed"} {** if not explicitly assigned, we will default to 0 for 508 compliance reasons, instead of the calculated tabIndexVal value **} {counter name="fieldsUsed"} {** if not explicitly assigned, we will default to 0 for 508 compliance reasons, instead of the calculated tabIndexVal value **} {/capture} {if $fieldsUsed > 0 } {$tableRow} {/if} {counter name="fieldsUsed" start=0 print=false assign="fieldsUsed"} {capture name="tr" assign="tableRow"} {counter name="fieldsUsed"} {** if not explicitly assigned, we will default to 0 for 508 compliance reasons, instead of the calculated tabIndexVal value **} {counter name="fieldsUsed"} {** if not explicitly assigned, we will default to 0 for 508 compliance reasons, instead of the calculated tabIndexVal value **} {counter name="fieldsUsed"} {** if not explicitly assigned, we will default to 0 for 508 compliance reasons, instead of the calculated tabIndexVal value **} {counter name="fieldsUsed"} {** if not explicitly assigned, we will default to 0 for 508 compliance reasons, instead of the calculated tabIndexVal value **} {/capture} {if $fieldsUsed > 0 } {$tableRow} {/if}
{if $panelFieldCount == 0} {/if}
{counter name="panelFieldCount" start=0 print=false assign="panelFieldCount"} {counter name="fieldsUsed" start=0 print=false assign="fieldsUsed"} {capture name="tr" assign="tableRow"} {counter name="fieldsUsed"} {** if not explicitly assigned, we will default to 0 for 508 compliance reasons, instead of the calculated tabIndexVal value **} {counter name="fieldsUsed"} {** if not explicitly assigned, we will default to 0 for 508 compliance reasons, instead of the calculated tabIndexVal value **} {counter name="fieldsUsed"} {** if not explicitly assigned, we will default to 0 for 508 compliance reasons, instead of the calculated tabIndexVal value **} {counter name="fieldsUsed"} {** if not explicitly assigned, we will default to 0 for 508 compliance reasons, instead of the calculated tabIndexVal value **} {/capture} {if $fieldsUsed > 0 } {$tableRow} {/if}
{if $panelFieldCount == 0} {/if}
{counter name="panelFieldCount" start=0 print=false assign="panelFieldCount"}
{sugar_translate label='LBL_EDITVIEW_PANEL14' module='rls_Candidates'}
{counter name="fieldsUsed" start=0 print=false assign="fieldsUsed"} {capture name="tr" assign="tableRow"} {counter name="fieldsUsed"} {** if not explicitly assigned, we will default to 0 for 508 compliance reasons, instead of the calculated tabIndexVal value **} {counter name="fieldsUsed"} {** if not explicitly assigned, we will default to 0 for 508 compliance reasons, instead of the calculated tabIndexVal value **} {/capture} {if $fieldsUsed > 0 } {$tableRow} {/if} {counter name="fieldsUsed" start=0 print=false assign="fieldsUsed"} {capture name="tr" assign="tableRow"} {counter name="fieldsUsed"} {** if not explicitly assigned, we will default to 0 for 508 compliance reasons, instead of the calculated tabIndexVal value **} {counter name="fieldsUsed"} {** if not explicitly assigned, we will default to 0 for 508 compliance reasons, instead of the calculated tabIndexVal value **} {counter name="fieldsUsed"} {** if not explicitly assigned, we will default to 0 for 508 compliance reasons, instead of the calculated tabIndexVal value **} {counter name="fieldsUsed"} {** if not explicitly assigned, we will default to 0 for 508 compliance reasons, instead of the calculated tabIndexVal value **} {/capture} {if $fieldsUsed > 0 } {$tableRow} {/if}
{if $panelFieldCount == 0} {/if}
{counter name="panelFieldCount" start=0 print=false assign="panelFieldCount"}
{sugar_translate label='LBL_EDITVIEW_PANEL16' module='rls_Candidates'}
{counter name="fieldsUsed" start=0 print=false assign="fieldsUsed"} {capture name="tr" assign="tableRow"} {counter name="fieldsUsed"} {** if not explicitly assigned, we will default to 0 for 508 compliance reasons, instead of the calculated tabIndexVal value **} {counter name="fieldsUsed"} {** if not explicitly assigned, we will default to 0 for 508 compliance reasons, instead of the calculated tabIndexVal value **} {counter name="fieldsUsed"} {** if not explicitly assigned, we will default to 0 for 508 compliance reasons, instead of the calculated tabIndexVal value **} {counter name="fieldsUsed"} {** if not explicitly assigned, we will default to 0 for 508 compliance reasons, instead of the calculated tabIndexVal value **} {/capture} {if $fieldsUsed > 0 } {$tableRow} {/if} {counter name="fieldsUsed" start=0 print=false assign="fieldsUsed"} {capture name="tr" assign="tableRow"} {counter name="fieldsUsed"} {** if not explicitly assigned, we will default to 0 for 508 compliance reasons, instead of the calculated tabIndexVal value **} {counter name="fieldsUsed"} {** if not explicitly assigned, we will default to 0 for 508 compliance reasons, instead of the calculated tabIndexVal value **} {counter name="fieldsUsed"} {** if not explicitly assigned, we will default to 0 for 508 compliance reasons, instead of the calculated tabIndexVal value **} {counter name="fieldsUsed"} {** if not explicitly assigned, we will default to 0 for 508 compliance reasons, instead of the calculated tabIndexVal value **} {/capture} {if $fieldsUsed > 0 } {$tableRow} {/if} {counter name="fieldsUsed" start=0 print=false assign="fieldsUsed"} {capture name="tr" assign="tableRow"} {counter name="fieldsUsed"} {** if not explicitly assigned, we will default to 0 for 508 compliance reasons, instead of the calculated tabIndexVal value **} {counter name="fieldsUsed"} {** if not explicitly assigned, we will default to 0 for 508 compliance reasons, instead of the calculated tabIndexVal value **} {counter name="fieldsUsed"} {** if not explicitly assigned, we will default to 0 for 508 compliance reasons, instead of the calculated tabIndexVal value **} {counter name="fieldsUsed"} {** if not explicitly assigned, we will default to 0 for 508 compliance reasons, instead of the calculated tabIndexVal value **} {/capture} {if $fieldsUsed > 0 } {$tableRow} {/if} {counter name="fieldsUsed" start=0 print=false assign="fieldsUsed"} {capture name="tr" assign="tableRow"} {counter name="fieldsUsed"} {** if not explicitly assigned, we will default to 0 for 508 compliance reasons, instead of the calculated tabIndexVal value **} {counter name="fieldsUsed"} {** if not explicitly assigned, we will default to 0 for 508 compliance reasons, instead of the calculated tabIndexVal value **} {counter name="fieldsUsed"} {** if not explicitly assigned, we will default to 0 for 508 compliance reasons, instead of the calculated tabIndexVal value **} {counter name="fieldsUsed"} {** if not explicitly assigned, we will default to 0 for 508 compliance reasons, instead of the calculated tabIndexVal value **} {/capture} {if $fieldsUsed > 0 } {$tableRow} {/if} {counter name="fieldsUsed" start=0 print=false assign="fieldsUsed"} {capture name="tr" assign="tableRow"} {counter name="fieldsUsed"} {** if not explicitly assigned, we will default to 0 for 508 compliance reasons, instead of the calculated tabIndexVal value **} {counter name="fieldsUsed"} {** if not explicitly assigned, we will default to 0 for 508 compliance reasons, instead of the calculated tabIndexVal value **} {counter name="fieldsUsed"} {** if not explicitly assigned, we will default to 0 for 508 compliance reasons, instead of the calculated tabIndexVal value **} {counter name="fieldsUsed"} {** if not explicitly assigned, we will default to 0 for 508 compliance reasons, instead of the calculated tabIndexVal value **} {/capture} {if $fieldsUsed > 0 } {$tableRow} {/if}
{if $panelFieldCount == 0} {/if}
{counter name="panelFieldCount" start=0 print=false assign="panelFieldCount"} {counter name="fieldsUsed" start=0 print=false assign="fieldsUsed"} {capture name="tr" assign="tableRow"} {counter name="fieldsUsed"} {** if not explicitly assigned, we will default to 0 for 508 compliance reasons, instead of the calculated tabIndexVal value **} {counter name="fieldsUsed"} {** if not explicitly assigned, we will default to 0 for 508 compliance reasons, instead of the calculated tabIndexVal value **} {counter name="fieldsUsed"} {** if not explicitly assigned, we will default to 0 for 508 compliance reasons, instead of the calculated tabIndexVal value **} {/capture} {if $fieldsUsed > 0 } {$tableRow} {/if} {counter name="fieldsUsed" start=0 print=false assign="fieldsUsed"} {capture name="tr" assign="tableRow"} {counter name="fieldsUsed"} {** if not explicitly assigned, we will default to 0 for 508 compliance reasons, instead of the calculated tabIndexVal value **} {counter name="fieldsUsed"} {** if not explicitly assigned, we will default to 0 for 508 compliance reasons, instead of the calculated tabIndexVal value **} {counter name="fieldsUsed"} {** if not explicitly assigned, we will default to 0 for 508 compliance reasons, instead of the calculated tabIndexVal value **} {/capture} {if $fieldsUsed > 0 } {$tableRow} {/if} {counter name="fieldsUsed" start=0 print=false assign="fieldsUsed"} {capture name="tr" assign="tableRow"} {counter name="fieldsUsed"} {** if not explicitly assigned, we will default to 0 for 508 compliance reasons, instead of the calculated tabIndexVal value **} {/capture} {if $fieldsUsed > 0 } {$tableRow} {/if} {counter name="fieldsUsed" start=0 print=false assign="fieldsUsed"} {capture name="tr" assign="tableRow"} {counter name="fieldsUsed"} {** if not explicitly assigned, we will default to 0 for 508 compliance reasons, instead of the calculated tabIndexVal value **} {counter name="fieldsUsed"} {** if not explicitly assigned, we will default to 0 for 508 compliance reasons, instead of the calculated tabIndexVal value **} {counter name="fieldsUsed"} {** if not explicitly assigned, we will default to 0 for 508 compliance reasons, instead of the calculated tabIndexVal value **} {/capture} {if $fieldsUsed > 0 } {$tableRow} {/if} {counter name="fieldsUsed" start=0 print=false assign="fieldsUsed"} {capture name="tr" assign="tableRow"} {counter name="fieldsUsed"} {** if not explicitly assigned, we will default to 0 for 508 compliance reasons, instead of the calculated tabIndexVal value **} {counter name="fieldsUsed"} {** if not explicitly assigned, we will default to 0 for 508 compliance reasons, instead of the calculated tabIndexVal value **} {counter name="fieldsUsed"} {** if not explicitly assigned, we will default to 0 for 508 compliance reasons, instead of the calculated tabIndexVal value **} {counter name="fieldsUsed"} {** if not explicitly assigned, we will default to 0 for 508 compliance reasons, instead of the calculated tabIndexVal value **} {/capture} {if $fieldsUsed > 0 } {$tableRow} {/if}
{if $panelFieldCount == 0} {/if}
{counter name="panelFieldCount" start=0 print=false assign="panelFieldCount"}
{sugar_translate label='LBL_EDITVIEW_PANEL22' module='rls_Candidates'}
{counter name="fieldsUsed" start=0 print=false assign="fieldsUsed"} {capture name="tr" assign="tableRow"} {counter name="fieldsUsed"} {** if not explicitly assigned, we will default to 0 for 508 compliance reasons, instead of the calculated tabIndexVal value **} {counter name="fieldsUsed"} {** if not explicitly assigned, we will default to 0 for 508 compliance reasons, instead of the calculated tabIndexVal value **} {counter name="fieldsUsed"} {** if not explicitly assigned, we will default to 0 for 508 compliance reasons, instead of the calculated tabIndexVal value **} {/capture} {if $fieldsUsed > 0 } {$tableRow} {/if} {counter name="fieldsUsed" start=0 print=false assign="fieldsUsed"} {capture name="tr" assign="tableRow"} {counter name="fieldsUsed"} {** if not explicitly assigned, we will default to 0 for 508 compliance reasons, instead of the calculated tabIndexVal value **} {counter name="fieldsUsed"} {** if not explicitly assigned, we will default to 0 for 508 compliance reasons, instead of the calculated tabIndexVal value **} {/capture} {if $fieldsUsed > 0 } {$tableRow} {/if} {counter name="fieldsUsed" start=0 print=false assign="fieldsUsed"} {capture name="tr" assign="tableRow"} {counter name="fieldsUsed"} {** if not explicitly assigned, we will default to 0 for 508 compliance reasons, instead of the calculated tabIndexVal value **} {counter name="fieldsUsed"} {** if not explicitly assigned, we will default to 0 for 508 compliance reasons, instead of the calculated tabIndexVal value **} {counter name="fieldsUsed"} {** if not explicitly assigned, we will default to 0 for 508 compliance reasons, instead of the calculated tabIndexVal value **} {/capture} {if $fieldsUsed > 0 } {$tableRow} {/if}
{if $panelFieldCount == 0} {/if}
{counter name="panelFieldCount" start=0 print=false assign="panelFieldCount"} {counter name="fieldsUsed" start=0 print=false assign="fieldsUsed"} {capture name="tr" assign="tableRow"} {counter name="fieldsUsed"} {** if not explicitly assigned, we will default to 0 for 508 compliance reasons, instead of the calculated tabIndexVal value **} {counter name="fieldsUsed"} {** if not explicitly assigned, we will default to 0 for 508 compliance reasons, instead of the calculated tabIndexVal value **} {counter name="fieldsUsed"} {** if not explicitly assigned, we will default to 0 for 508 compliance reasons, instead of the calculated tabIndexVal value **} {counter name="fieldsUsed"} {** if not explicitly assigned, we will default to 0 for 508 compliance reasons, instead of the calculated tabIndexVal value **} {/capture} {if $fieldsUsed > 0 } {$tableRow} {/if}
{if $panelFieldCount == 0} {/if}
{counter name="panelFieldCount" start=0 print=false assign="panelFieldCount"}
{sugar_translate label='LBL_EDITVIEW_PANEL23' module='rls_Candidates'}
{counter name="fieldsUsed" start=0 print=false assign="fieldsUsed"} {capture name="tr" assign="tableRow"} {counter name="fieldsUsed"} {** if not explicitly assigned, we will default to 0 for 508 compliance reasons, instead of the calculated tabIndexVal value **} {counter name="fieldsUsed"} {** if not explicitly assigned, we will default to 0 for 508 compliance reasons, instead of the calculated tabIndexVal value **} {/capture} {if $fieldsUsed > 0 } {$tableRow} {/if}
{if $panelFieldCount == 0} {/if}
{counter name="panelFieldCount" start=0 print=false assign="panelFieldCount"}
{sugar_translate label='LBL_EDITVIEW_PANEL24' module='rls_Candidates'}
{counter name="fieldsUsed" start=0 print=false assign="fieldsUsed"} {capture name="tr" assign="tableRow"} {counter name="fieldsUsed"} {** if not explicitly assigned, we will default to 0 for 508 compliance reasons, instead of the calculated tabIndexVal value **} {counter name="fieldsUsed"} {** if not explicitly assigned, we will default to 0 for 508 compliance reasons, instead of the calculated tabIndexVal value **} {/capture} {if $fieldsUsed > 0 } {$tableRow} {/if} {counter name="fieldsUsed" start=0 print=false assign="fieldsUsed"} {capture name="tr" assign="tableRow"} {counter name="fieldsUsed"} {** if not explicitly assigned, we will default to 0 for 508 compliance reasons, instead of the calculated tabIndexVal value **} {counter name="fieldsUsed"} {** if not explicitly assigned, we will default to 0 for 508 compliance reasons, instead of the calculated tabIndexVal value **} {/capture} {if $fieldsUsed > 0 } {$tableRow} {/if} {counter name="fieldsUsed" start=0 print=false assign="fieldsUsed"} {capture name="tr" assign="tableRow"} {counter name="fieldsUsed"} {** if not explicitly assigned, we will default to 0 for 508 compliance reasons, instead of the calculated tabIndexVal value **} {counter name="fieldsUsed"} {** if not explicitly assigned, we will default to 0 for 508 compliance reasons, instead of the calculated tabIndexVal value **} {counter name="fieldsUsed"} {** if not explicitly assigned, we will default to 0 for 508 compliance reasons, instead of the calculated tabIndexVal value **} {counter name="fieldsUsed"} {** if not explicitly assigned, we will default to 0 for 508 compliance reasons, instead of the calculated tabIndexVal value **} {/capture} {if $fieldsUsed > 0 } {$tableRow} {/if}
{if $panelFieldCount == 0} {/if}
{counter name="panelFieldCount" start=0 print=false assign="panelFieldCount"}
{sugar_translate label='LBL_EDITVIEW_PANEL26' module='rls_Candidates'}
{counter name="fieldsUsed" start=0 print=false assign="fieldsUsed"} {capture name="tr" assign="tableRow"} {counter name="fieldsUsed"} {** if not explicitly assigned, we will default to 0 for 508 compliance reasons, instead of the calculated tabIndexVal value **} {counter name="fieldsUsed"} {** if not explicitly assigned, we will default to 0 for 508 compliance reasons, instead of the calculated tabIndexVal value **} {/capture} {if $fieldsUsed > 0 } {$tableRow} {/if}
{if $panelFieldCount == 0} {/if}
{counter name="panelFieldCount" start=0 print=false assign="panelFieldCount"}
{sugar_translate label='LBL_EDITVIEW_PANEL27' module='rls_Candidates'}
{counter name="fieldsUsed" start=0 print=false assign="fieldsUsed"} {capture name="tr" assign="tableRow"} {counter name="fieldsUsed"} {** if not explicitly assigned, we will default to 0 for 508 compliance reasons, instead of the calculated tabIndexVal value **} {counter name="fieldsUsed"} {** if not explicitly assigned, we will default to 0 for 508 compliance reasons, instead of the calculated tabIndexVal value **} {/capture} {if $fieldsUsed > 0 } {$tableRow} {/if}
{if $panelFieldCount == 0} {/if}
{counter name="panelFieldCount" start=0 print=false assign="panelFieldCount"}
{sugar_translate label='LBL_EDITVIEW_PANEL28' module='rls_Candidates'}
{counter name="fieldsUsed" start=0 print=false assign="fieldsUsed"} {capture name="tr" assign="tableRow"} {counter name="fieldsUsed"} {** if not explicitly assigned, we will default to 0 for 508 compliance reasons, instead of the calculated tabIndexVal value **} {counter name="fieldsUsed"} {** if not explicitly assigned, we will default to 0 for 508 compliance reasons, instead of the calculated tabIndexVal value **} {/capture} {if $fieldsUsed > 0 } {$tableRow} {/if}
{if $panelFieldCount == 0} {/if}
{counter name="panelFieldCount" start=0 print=false assign="panelFieldCount"}
{sugar_translate label='LBL_EDITVIEW_PANEL31' module='rls_Candidates'}
{counter name="fieldsUsed" start=0 print=false assign="fieldsUsed"} {capture name="tr" assign="tableRow"} {counter name="fieldsUsed"} {** if not explicitly assigned, we will default to 0 for 508 compliance reasons, instead of the calculated tabIndexVal value **} {counter name="fieldsUsed"} {** if not explicitly assigned, we will default to 0 for 508 compliance reasons, instead of the calculated tabIndexVal value **} {/capture} {if $fieldsUsed > 0 } {$tableRow} {/if}
{if $panelFieldCount == 0} {/if}
{counter name="panelFieldCount" start=0 print=false assign="panelFieldCount"}
{sugar_translate label='LBL_EDITVIEW_PANEL32' module='rls_Candidates'}
{counter name="fieldsUsed" start=0 print=false assign="fieldsUsed"} {capture name="tr" assign="tableRow"} {counter name="fieldsUsed"} {** if not explicitly assigned, we will default to 0 for 508 compliance reasons, instead of the calculated tabIndexVal value **} {counter name="fieldsUsed"} {** if not explicitly assigned, we will default to 0 for 508 compliance reasons, instead of the calculated tabIndexVal value **} {counter name="fieldsUsed"} {** if not explicitly assigned, we will default to 0 for 508 compliance reasons, instead of the calculated tabIndexVal value **} {/capture} {if $fieldsUsed > 0 } {$tableRow} {/if}
{if $panelFieldCount == 0} {/if}
{counter name="panelFieldCount" start=0 print=false assign="panelFieldCount"} {counter name="fieldsUsed" start=0 print=false assign="fieldsUsed"} {capture name="tr" assign="tableRow"} {counter name="fieldsUsed"} {** if not explicitly assigned, we will default to 0 for 508 compliance reasons, instead of the calculated tabIndexVal value **} {counter name="fieldsUsed"} {** if not explicitly assigned, we will default to 0 for 508 compliance reasons, instead of the calculated tabIndexVal value **} {/capture} {if $fieldsUsed > 0 } {$tableRow} {/if} {counter name="fieldsUsed" start=0 print=false assign="fieldsUsed"} {capture name="tr" assign="tableRow"} {counter name="fieldsUsed"} {** if not explicitly assigned, we will default to 0 for 508 compliance reasons, instead of the calculated tabIndexVal value **} {counter name="fieldsUsed"} {** if not explicitly assigned, we will default to 0 for 508 compliance reasons, instead of the calculated tabIndexVal value **} {counter name="fieldsUsed"} {** if not explicitly assigned, we will default to 0 for 508 compliance reasons, instead of the calculated tabIndexVal value **} {counter name="fieldsUsed"} {** if not explicitly assigned, we will default to 0 for 508 compliance reasons, instead of the calculated tabIndexVal value **} {/capture} {if $fieldsUsed > 0 } {$tableRow} {/if}
{if $panelFieldCount == 0} {/if}
{counter name="panelFieldCount" start=0 print=false assign="panelFieldCount"}
{sugar_translate label='LBL_EDITVIEW_PANEL35' module='rls_Candidates'}
{counter name="fieldsUsed" start=0 print=false assign="fieldsUsed"} {capture name="tr" assign="tableRow"} {counter name="fieldsUsed"} {** if not explicitly assigned, we will default to 0 for 508 compliance reasons, instead of the calculated tabIndexVal value **}
{capture name="label" assign="label"}{sugar_translate label='LBL_G1COMM' module='rls_Candidates'}{/capture} {$label|strip_semicolon}: * {counter name="panelFieldCount"}
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