
Sapiens.BI helps you produce effective reports with charts in a fast and easy way. It is a SugarCRM BI plug-in with powerful reporting capabilities, ease of use, elegant design, and a quick and easy setup. This Reporting Tool is easy to use, there is no need for technical knowledge or SQL. The Sapiens.BI tool comes with over 100 pre-built reports.

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#2449 - Combined chart: 1 single vertical axis scale & fixed values

Closed General Question created by tiagozwick 8 years ago

Hi there

My objective is to create chart: revenue vs target revenue by fiscal quarter

  1. Using combined chart is it possible to have 1 single vertical axis scale so if I have a chart showing the 4 fiscal quarters, the revenue by quarter and the target revenue are direct comparable?
  2. How can I add the fixed target revenue by quarter, considering this data is not stored on the database but must be entered manually?


  1. sapiens-bi-primary-contact member avatar

    8 years ago

    Hello Tiago,

    1. If you need to use only 1, not 2 vertical axis, you should use either Column Chart type or Line Chart instead of Combined. Combined chart will always give 3 Axis. Or you can also try to add both items to single vertical scale (and leave empty the second or add both to the second as well), if chart allows.

    2. Generally Report uses only stored data in the database, but you can try to add Constant value to Calculated functions. Constant will be mutlipleid by # of detailed data, but in order to avoid the multiplication, you can use AVG of this calculated function - So you get same constant.

    We hope, this was helpful. But if it was hard to understand, we can schedule a web meeting to try this together ;).

    Best Regards, IT Sapiens Team

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