#2583 - Calculated Field
Hi there. Could you please let me know when the release with the possibility to enter my own calculated field formula will be available?
Furthermore please confirm the following case will be possible to be implemented with this new functionality; 1. Case: Create Account-Opportunity-Task report - only the task with the following condition must be show; if (task.status = InProgress && task.dueDate = LastMonth()) then show task.description else show '-'
I am looking forward to your feedback,
regards Tiago Zwick
8 years ago
Hello Tiago,
Release will be published any day soon now (tomorrow or latest by Wednesday), we will contact you then.
and answer to the specific calculation in your example: Yes, if you will be able to write it in MySQL notation, it will have to be written this way: task.dueDate = LastMonth() equivalent in MySql would be task.dueDate > DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL 1 MONTH)
Best Regards, IT Sapiens Team
8 years ago
No new release yet. Could you please confirm when the new functionality will be available?
8 years ago
Hello Tiago,
Yes, we found some unexpected bugs, that is why release took longer, currently those are fixed and doing one more testing round; as soon as tests passed successfully we will do the release, should be within 1-2 days. We will contact you as soon as ready.
Best Regards, IT Sapiens Team
8 years ago
Hello Tiago,
New version is available now. You can edit Calculated field by a click to 'Edit SQL' (after you have added a row under 'Calculated fields' tab.
Let us know, if you have any more questions or need any help!
Best Regards, IT Sapiens Team