#2727 - License Validation not working
We've installed your reporting tool on our sugarcrm instance. We tried to validate the license key but since its showing current user count and not license user count. Not allowing us to use it.
Whenever we try to generate report, it redirects us to license validation page. Throws message: Insufficient number of user licenses. Please add additional user licenses and try again.
8 years ago
Hello Ankit,
Thank you for contacting us! We can see that your system has 85 users while you have purchased for 10 users. This is the reason why license doesn't work. You would need to increase the licensed user count to 85 in order to get it working.
In this pricing plan all Sugar Users are counted.
If you would like to count only Analytic Reporting Tool Users, then we can offer another pricing plan, which is not yet published, but it is available upon request, but the price is higher.
It would cost USD 140 per Module User per Month or USD 1200 per Module User Annually. Let us know, if interested, we will send you the ID for adding to Cart.
Best Regards, IT Sapiens Team