#4571 - Version Compatibility
I am unable to install as it says it's not compatible with the version of sugar sell (Current version Sugar (version 11.1.0)) Is it going to be updated?
I am unable to install as it says it's not compatible with the version of sugar sell (Current version Sugar (version 11.1.0)) Is it going to be updated?
3 years ago
Just an FYI - I edited the module.php compatible version to 11.. so it could be loaded into our sandbox, but while it will load now, it wont install. - No error, just wont install (Press commit and it sits on the age for a while, then goes back to the admin menu, and when I check the modules it isn't installed)
3 years ago
Disclaimer: I realise that something may be wrong between versions, and I can only run it because I changed the php file version field. --- Ok By trying commit a couple of times it is now installed - and I have licensed it, and to all intensive purposes all the options show in in your installation and admin files exist. However, despite confirming the sync with reports is running at required intervals it is not updating the target list. Also I notice if I update the target list sync by manually choosing sync report, it ADDS new records, but does not remove records that are no longer in the report - is it normal that this tool would only add new records and not remove contacts that are no longer in the synched report ?