#3888 - Update Sugar 8.1.0 - Document Creator Update?
we want to update our Suger Prof. Version to 8.1.0 but it flags the Document Creator red. So we need to do an update - but in our account we're only able to download Version 3.1.0 - and that Version is allrdy on our System..
Any Suggestions?
Kind Regards
6 years ago
Interested in this too! Support for 8.1 On Demand?
6 years ago
Latest version of Document Creator (DocumentCreator-Sugar80-and-above-4.2.4) working with Sugar 8+ ondemand.
If you can't see this version in your download section that means you are on an older payment plan and need to switch to new plan to gain access to it.
Please get back to us at office@eontek.co or contact Sugar Outfitters support so that we can assist you to migrate to new plan.
Thank you!