by Implicit Inc.

Implicit FrontEnd for Mac is an Outlook integration solution for SugarCRM which enables users to do all their CRM work from within Outlook. Use Email side-panel in Outlook to view CRM information, update or create new CRM records and archive email to any CRM record.

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#3529 - Could not connect to CRM

Closed General Question created by aaronross 6 years ago


Via my MAC Outlook client, I'm unable to connect to the Sugar CRM as per the message - "Could not connect to CRM. The underlying connection was closed: An unexpected error occurred on a send."

Now I have logged into the CRM Url with the username and password without any issues. The License Key is what I copied and pasted out o the Sugar Outfitters purchase.

Is there something else that I'm missing.



  1. aaronross member avatar


    6 years ago

    The Sugar CRM Version is

  2. Implicit member avatar

    Implicit Inc. Provider

    6 years ago


    Is your CRM server accessible from the outside?

    • aaronross member avatar


      6 years ago

      Yes, I can reach the CRM externally (I'm a remote worker)

  3. Implicit member avatar

    Implicit Inc. Provider

    6 years ago


    I sent you instructions to your email.

    • aaronross member avatar


      6 years ago

      I have managed to successfully connect to my Sugar CRM with the new instructions. Please feel free to close off this case.

    • Implicit member avatar

      Implicit Inc. Provider

      6 years ago

      Ok. Good! Thanks for letting us know.

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