by Implicit Inc.

Implicit FrontEnd for Mac is an Outlook integration solution for SugarCRM which enables users to do all their CRM work from within Outlook. Use Email side-panel in Outlook to view CRM information, update or create new CRM records and archive email to any CRM record.

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#4624 - Invalid username or password

Open Installation created by jseidl 2 years ago

Hi! I haven't used the Implicit Frontend SugarCRM / Outlook for Mac plug-in for a while; it had indeed appeared from Outlook after Microsoft installed a new Outlook version on my Mac. I have now reverted to the old Outlook "look and feel" but can't use the plug-in anymore - I get an Invalid username or password error. I had issues when I originally installed the plug-in because I had an outdated version. Could this be a similar problem? I am using V 4.2, but I am not sure where to find out whether that's the most recent version, or indeed where to find an update. Many thanks for your help!

  1. Implicit member avatar

    Implicit Inc. Provider

    2 years ago


    The Mac add-in is being periodically updated via the web so you don't need to install a new version. Invalid username or password error usually means that the add-in is not able to login to SugarCRM on behalf of the user. It could be that the password on Sugar has expired and is forcing you to change.

  2. jseidl member avatar


    2 years ago

    This is so weird - there was no update of the plug-in version, and I did not make any changes to the password, and yet now it works. Blame it on the Gremlins... Thanks for your help!

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