by Verity Infotech

With the WhatsApp Integration, your team can engage buyers and increase sales revenue with individualized conversations via one-click WhatsApp sending from anywhere in the Sugar. Utilize convenient features like two-way messaging, WhatsApp templates, and more.

#4480 - In relation with sugarCRM whatsapp integration

Closed General Question created by mesteban 3 years ago

We are a sugarCRM partner. We are willing to test sugarCRM whatsapp integration for a customer of ours. As the environment is not going to be a production environment, I wonder how can we proceed to test the product. Is there a possibility of getting access to a trial? Thanks

  1. verityinfotech-primary-contact member avatar

    Verity Infotech

    3 years ago

    Hello Okay, let's connect on skype for this. At the moment it's not supporting sugarondemand.

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