by techloyce

SugarDocuSign for SugarCRM allows you to send e-sign contracts for electronic signature with DocuSign services and track your documents anytime, anywhere within minutes.

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#3069 - demo install on

Open Bug? created by NewbernD 7 years ago
Fresh install. Installed SugarDocuSign license. Upon trying to enter DocuSign creds and Test Connection, it hangs. ssl_error_log contains: [Mon May 01 16:44:58.038658 2017] [:error] [pid 5797] [client] PHP Fatal error: Class 'SoapClient' not found in /var/www/html/modules/ET_DocuSignSettings/api/Credential.php on line 105, referer:
This case is public. Please leave out any sensitive information such as URLs, passwords, etc.
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