by techloyce

SugarDocuSign for SugarCRM allows you to send e-sign contracts for electronic signature with DocuSign services and track your documents anytime, anywhere within minutes.

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#3350 - Installation Failure

Open Installation created by mmorgan 7 years ago
I have tried to install the Premium - DocuSign zip file to my module loader. When I click upload, I get an installation failed error message saying that I need a new package to address this issue - SugarModules/modules/ET_DocuSignSettings/ajax_cnt.php Invalid usage of a function array_filter(). Please advise as I cannot upload the current zip file you sent me, and I want a full refund if this will not work on Sugar Thanks, Murray Morgan
  1. techloyce member avatar

    techloyce Provider

    7 years ago

  2. techloyce member avatar

    techloyce Provider

    7 years ago

  3. mmorgan member avatar


    7 years ago

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