#130 - Stage Trackers

Closed Bug? created by chimientip 11 years ago
Hello, I just purchased Stage Trackers , was able to install. I need your help on the following error I'm getting when I click the next page button. I think it has to do with Entry Points but do not know how to fix. We have teamview if you wuld like. "NetworkError: 500 Internal Server Error - http://192.XXX.X.XXX/index.php?module=ATC_StageTrackers&offset=3&stamp=1368188956021626800&return_module=ATC_StageTrackers&action=DetailView&record=2c71058c-8150-8c7a-0ea8-51829a57aa59&ajax_load=1&ATC_StageTrackers_atc_stagetrackers_atc_stagetrackerlogs_1_CELL_offset=end&ATC_StageTrackers_atc_stagetrackers_atc_stagetrackerlogs_1_CELL_ORDER_BY=&sort_order=asc&to_pdf=true&action=SubPanelViewer&subpanel=atc_stagetrackers_atc_stagetrackerlogs_1&layout_def_key=ATC_StageTrackers&inline=1&ajaxSubpanel=true"
  1. jason member avatar

    jason Provider

    11 years ago

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