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#1580 - SuiteCRM

Open Bug? created by jaime 9 years ago

Hello, i have just purchased the module and installed in suitecrm-7.1.4-1. everything seems to be ok, but bottons doen´t work at all. The sistem just doesn´t show any of the reports after a wile of time, and buttoms on detail view doent do anything. What can i do?

  1. marcomm member avatar

    Sugar-project Provider Affiliate

    9 years ago

    HI I think it is a permission problem Can you check this? I can support you if I can login in your system I will send you email with my private ref. Best Marco

    PS we are going to release in a short time a Sugarprint new version. The actual version is working on SuiteCRM 7.2

  2. jaime member avatar


    9 years ago

    we are running the sistem on a local machine with only one administrator user...

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