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#3592 - Lof of decimals in currcncy formatting

Open Bug? created by gmanara Verified Purchase 6 years ago

We recentely upgraded suiteCRM to version 7.8.13 (Sugar Version 6.5.25 (Build 344) ).

In all the PDF reports with currency we get always 6 decimal. In the excel reports we have instead 6 more figure at the end of the numbers. I hope that these two image will well show the problem:

CRM Page; ![Selezione_014.png]( "Selezione_014.png")

PDF report ![Selezione_015.png]( "Selezione_015.png")

XLS Report ![Selezione_016.png]( "Selezione_016.png")

My CRM configuration for currency is: ![Selezione_017.png]( "Selezione_017.png")

Thank you very much for your help Giuliano Simoncelli

  1. marcomm member avatar

    Sugar-project Provider Affiliate

    6 years ago

    buongiorno sono marco uno degli sviluppatori di Sugarprint vi supporto nella risoluzione del vostro problema potete inviarmi il vostro riferimento a questo indirizzo email

    grazie a presto marco

  2. gmanara member avatar

    gmanara Verified Purchase

    6 years ago

    Thank you for your quick reply! We hope that the problem will be fixed in the next release as promised. We need it soon as possible.

    Thank you for the help

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