by urdhvatech

Fed up of not being able to find important clients? Tag them! This plugin allows you to tag your records to identify them instantly. Color coded tags makes it even simpler to catch them.

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#192 - tagMe

Closed Bug? created by Harsh Verified Purchase 11 years ago

Though tagMe page states it is, tagMe is not compatible with Sugar Profession 6.7.1.

  1. chad member avatar

    Chad Hutchins

    11 years ago

    Hello there, I've moved your case to the tagMe support section. They will be able to support you here. I'll be sure they are notified.

  2. urdhvatech-primary-contact member avatar


    11 years ago

    Hello Harsh, Sorry for the trouble. It is fixed now. Please download the package again.

  3. Harsh member avatar

    Harsh Verified Purchase

    11 years ago

    Works!! Can you explain the search methods for tags? The About page was helpful but I could not understand the "Search by Tags" and "Global Search" sections.

  4. urdhvatech-primary-contact member avatar


    11 years ago

    "Search by Tags" section is about filtering records from List view of a module. And "Global Search" is, you add dashlet "tagMe Cloud" and click on the Tag, it will filter records from different modules having the field of type "tagMe".

  5. Harsh member avatar

    Harsh Verified Purchase

    11 years ago

    Got it. Thank you both!

  6. urdhvatech-primary-contact member avatar


    11 years ago

    Great! Do approve the add-on working and leave a review too, much appreciate that! Thank you.

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