by urdhvatech

Need a landing page for your next campaign? A way for your customers to create support cases? Do your sales reps need a way to enter leads? With WebToModule you can create custom webforms for these any many other uses. Supports all modules, including custom modules.

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#3806 - More customization withing forms

Closed Feature created by erymer 6 years ago

Will you be able to add features such as dependent drop downs when prior selections are made? I'm currently trying to create a dependent drop down and customize within the HTML code however it's currently not entering the data into sugar. I've seen other questions regarding this issue, has there been any progress in fixing this issue?

  1. urdhvatech-primary-contact member avatar


    6 years ago

    Hello, Thank you for contacting us. Yes, to changing dropdown dependency through HTML is the correct way. It will be entered in Sugar If you have a matching field name in sugar and in your form element in HTML also. Do let us know if you have any further question.

    Thanks & Regards, Team Urdhva Tech

  2. erymer member avatar


    6 years ago

    But say if I were to create a dependent dropdown within sugar, would web to module be able to use the same function or would we had to code it within the html? I"ve been able to make a dependent dropdown but it will not sync the data back into the module itself.

  3. urdhvatech-primary-contact member avatar


    6 years ago

    Hello erymer,

    FieldName into WebToModule form and into SugarCRM must be same. Make sure your field name is correct on both sides. Once you checked and still it is not working then let us know. We will connect through Skype. Our Skype id : urdhvatech

    Thanks & Regards, Team Urdhva Tech.

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