by techloyce

Once place for all your files, wherever you are, including in Sugar. Dropbox is used by many businesses for all of their photos, docs, videos, and files. Now with DropBox For Sugar they can be accessed directly from within Sugar.

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Dropbox and SugarCRM

Do you save your files in Dropbox? Do you want your files in Sugar to be saved to Dropbox automatically?

Then DropBox For Sugar is for you.

How it Works

With this add-on you can upload your file from your CRM to Dropbox. You have to do nothing for this just select your file and save that. It will be automatically upload to your Dropbox account. Account should be integrated with your CRM.

You can access and upload data/files between Sugar and DropBox


While providing Dropbox setting to CRM for configuration you need to create APP in dropbox and get/generate Access Token From this url

On Premise Supported

If you host your own SugarCRM server then Dropbox is fully supported. We do not support Sugar's On Demand service at this time. If you are not sure what that means then you are safe to try out our add-on.

For More Info : Click Here Partner Info

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