Inbound marketing is not generating enough sales leads. How can you help your sellers prospect more effectively using new technology?
Register for our August 24th webinar where Christian Wettre and David Nelson will explain what 3rd party intent data is and review best practices for using this incredible information.
They will demonstrate how Triblio for Sugar helps grow and retain revenue, using intent data linked to your customers and prospects.
This webinar will be held on: August 24 2:00 pm EDT | 11:00 am PDT
Register here!
Microsoft GP Integration - SYNC by Commercient
FEATUREDYour ERP Accounting data is integrated with your SugarCRM when you use Commercient’s SYNC app. SYNC Accounts, Contacts, Invoices, Sales Orders, Products, Pricing, Inventory, and more!
Drawing and Signature Field
Need a way to have customers sign a receipt or for project managers to draw a mock-up in real time right inside of Sugar? Add drawing fields to any SugarCRM module right from within Studio. Especi...
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