You have built the next killer SugarCRM module. But will it pass the Module Loader restrictions for On-Demand? Thankfully, you can easily test this out on your own local development environment now and save some significant support time later.
To test, simply add the following to your config_override.php:
Now, when you go to install your module it will be scanned exactly as it will be on an On-Demand instance. It will then return to you any issues that it catches.

For more information on the package scanner or Module Loader restrictions in general check out these links:
- Module Loader Restrictions - SugarCRM Dev Guide
- Module Loader Restriction Workarounds - SugarCRM Support Site
- Restriction Overview - SugarCRM Support Site
To view the complete list of black listed functions and classes view the source of ModuleInstall/ModuleScanner.php.
If you have found good workarounds for any specific black listed functions please share below.
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