by synolia

Field Mask will be your greatest ally in formatting your SugarCRM data. This module improves the reliability of your data and saves time for your whole team by allowing you to use input templates to your information fields (zip code, phone number, etc.).

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User Guide

Module configuration - Setting up patterns

With the module installed, you can add input masks for the fields of the type Name, Varchar and Telephone and on the modules Opportunities, Calls, Campaigns, Accounts, Contacts, Quotes, Documents, Leads, Notes, Products, Meetings, Cases and your own custom modules.

Once the module installed you are ready to install field masks for the following field types: Name, Varchar et Telephone in all the modules of Sugar like Accounts, Contacts, etc.

The configuration is done via the link << SynoFieldMask >> in the Synolia section of the Administration.


First you must chose the module where you wish to deploy the field masks. Once the module selected a list of available fields will appear. For each of the fields you can define a mask.


You have to select the module first to configure the fields.


Example : To obtain a phone number with the following format +(33)x-xx-xx-xx-xx, you will have to use the following mask : +(33)9-99-99-99-99

Only the characters identified in the patterns are interpreted.


To validate the mask deployment you must click on the “Save” button.


The field is now mandatory according to the desired format.


Example with less characters than required


Managing the pattern characters

By default the pattern characters are are :


Advanced Use • To escape a character mask, it must be preceded by \ Example : \a • By using [ … ] you can specify some characters in the mask that can be considered optional (Example: (+9[9[9]]) 9 99 99 99 99). To skip an optional part of a mask you must use the space bar.

The specific masks can not be combined with a conventional mask or another special mask. SynoFieldMask_17.jpg

Example: From the administration, here the Contact module configuration :


Result when editing a Contact :


Import Tools

The 3 special masks upper, lower and upper_first are used when you import files.

Your datas are converted to the specified mask when you import a file if the field is configured.

Pattern examples

Here are a few examples on how to deploy patterns using the default pattern definitions:

Description Pattern
French telephone number 99 99 99 99 99
International telephone number +(33)9-99-99-99-99
French SIRET number 99999999999999
French SIREN number 999 999 999
SIC code 9999E
Date 99/99/9999
Uppercase name upper

How to use the module

This module helps you set up specific input field masks, on the fields and modules of your choice. The masks are available on Edit View as well as Quick Edit Views.

Creating a new element

The field mask applies from the moment of focus on an element containing a mask.


The arrow keys are disabled. If the typed caracter is not valid, it will be ignored. When exiting a field without anything typed into it, the form can be submited with the field empty.

If the value of the field with a pattern is not fully and correctly filled, the form will not be submited and and error will be displayed.

Editing an element

When editing an element, if the current value of a patterned field is incorrect, the field will display in red and the form cannot be submitted until the value is properly defined.


When the field has focus, the pattern is applied, and it si possible to modify the value within the defined pattern.

To empty a field, you can do a double click on the field.

Import Tools

The 3 special masks upper, lower and upper_first are used when you import files. Your datas are converted to the specified mask when you import a file if the field is configured.

Module limitations

The field mask rules do not apply when:

  • Using a mobile application
  • Creating data via web service (the MS Outlook Plugin for example)
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