by Upsert, LLC
Display a time stamp at the field level on record views, showing who last changed each field and when.
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Initial release of Upsert® Last Modified By for SugarCRM
Your ERP Accounting data is integrated with your SugarCRM when you use Commercient’s SYNC app. SYNC Accounts, Contacts, Invoices, Sales Orders, Products, Pricing, Inventory, and more!
Integrating ChatGPT into SugarCRM can provide a significant boost to your business processes and improve your user experience. Quickly and easily access information, get answers to your questions, ...
A cloud data platform for quick no-coding integration of SugarCRM with cloud apps (Quickbooks, Square, Marketo, Shopify, etc.), loading SugarCRM data to databases and data warehouses, like SQL Serv...
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