
Automatically remove bounced emails from your target lists to clean up your results and optimize your campaigns.

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Installation and Administration

Installing the Add-on

The Add-on is installed via the built-in Module Loader within the Administration area of Sugar.

NOTE: The install files you will receive when you purchase the add-on include additonal packages which need installing prior to the add-on package in order to work.

Full details are given in the Administration/Installation guide, included with the add-on package files.

  1. When logged into your Sugar CRM, click your admin icon on the top right and click 'admin' again.

  2. In the Developer Tools section, click 'Module Loader'

Module loader installation screenshot.png

  1. To the right of the word 'Module' click "Choose File" and select your Dynamic Target Lists zip file. Click "upload" and then install.


After the install completes, return to the admin page, and select the "Packages" button in the Packages area

Packages install button licence.png

Search and select your package. Click the pencil icon beside the License Key field to enter your License Key (which we will provide) and click save.

Enter Licence Key.png

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