by Chad Hutchins

Manually run scheduler jobs and queued jobs with the click of the button. Great for testing and debugging your schedulers. Stop waiting on the cron and get your work done faster. Great for On-demand systems.

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User Guide

Manually Run Scheduler Jobs and Queued Jobs

  • Great for testing and debugging your schedulers or queued jobs.
  • Stop waiting on the cron and get your work done faster.

To install, simply download the proper version. If you're using SugarCRM 6.5 or 6.7, download the version of Kickoff that is labeled SugarCRM 6. If you're using SugarCRM 7, download the version of Kickoff labeled SugarCRM 7.

  • Go to Admin > Module Loader
  • Upload and Install the module

After installing, go to Admin > Schedulers. You'll see a handy button on the Schedulers page.


Stop Waiting on the Cron

Instead of waiting on the Cron to do its thing, simply select the Scheduler or Queued Job from the list and run it!


Great for Debugging

After the job runs, you can easily view the output for testing or debugging.


It's that simple.

Save 20 hours of your life and purchase now.

It took me about 20 hours to figure out all the nuances:

  • Learn how to manually start schedulers and queued jobs
  • Get it to work in all editions and versions 6.5 and higher.
  • Including Sugar 7!
  • Completely Upgrade Safe
  • Uses best practices for third-party modules

You've already wasted 10 minutes reading this. Purchase Kickoff and get to work!

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