by Lampada Global

Send and track your signature requests with Lampada HelloSign! This SugarCRM add-on enables you to send and track signature requests for Opportunities, Quotes, and Contracts. Have those documents quickly signed by your customers, users, and email addresses, from any browser or on any mobile device.

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Installation Guide

Installing the Lampada HelloSign

1. Upload and install the package

Download your package from SugarOutfitters, log in into your CRM as an admin user, go to Admin -> Module Loader. Upload the installer and click on button Install. Installation - Module Loader.png

2. Execute Repair actions

After installing the package go to Admin -> Repair and execute the following tasks: - Quick Repair and Rebuild - Rebuild Javascript Languages - Rebuild JS Grouping Files - Clear Additional Cache Installation - Repair.png

3. Configure License Key

After repairing, clear your browser cache and go to Admin and scrow down to the bottom. You will find the panel HelloSign containing 3 links: - License Configuration - Configuration - Document Templates Installation - Configuration.png

Click the link License Configuration. You will be redirected to HelloSign Add-on: License Configuration page, in which you will place the License Key fetched on purchasing Lampada HelloSign. Fill in the field License Key your previously acquired Key and hit button Validate. Make sure the validation works for your Key. Installation - Configurating License.png

4. Configure HelloSign Token

Go back to panel HelloSign at Admin page and click the link Configuration. You will be redirected to HelloSign Settings page. Place your previously acquired HelloSign token into field Secure Token. For evaluating and avoid consuming HelloSign resources make sure the field Test Mode? is set to No. Remember to turn it on as soon as you are comfortable on sending official requests from your CRM instance. Click the arrom at right side of Save button and then click button Test Connection. Installation - Configurating Token - Test Connection.png

Make sure you get the alert HelloSign Connection Successfull. Installation - Configurating Token - Success.png

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