by Lampada Global

Send and track your signature requests with Lampada HelloSign! This SugarCRM add-on enables you to send and track signature requests for Opportunities, Quotes, and Contracts. Have those documents quickly signed by your customers, users, and email addresses, from any browser or on any mobile device.

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Release Notes

[Version 1.0.5]

Initial release, accomplish the following features:

  • Send Signature Requests based on either PDF file or HelloSign Template from subpanels under Account, Contact, Opportunity, Quote and Contract.
  • Invite for Signature any set of Contacts, Accounts and Users from own CRM and direct email address as well.
  • Built in Scheduled job for importing HelloSign Templates
  • Built in Scheduled job for importing updates on HelloSign Documents
  • Allow merging into HelloSign Templates Custom Fields any field directly or indirectly related to module to which HelloSign Template is assigned to
  • Support to sending either a single PDF file or a single HelloSign Template
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