by Lampada Global

Send and track your signature requests with Lampada HelloSign! This SugarCRM add-on enables you to send and track signature requests for Opportunities, Quotes, and Contracts. Have those documents quickly signed by your customers, users, and email addresses, from any browser or on any mobile device.

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User Guide


Send Signature Request from a static PDF file User can choose any static PDF file to be signed by targets.

Validate invalid document extension On sending Signature Request from a Document user can only attach PDF files.

Validate invalid e-mail addresses On filling in the Targets GRID user can not specify invalid e-mail addresses.

Add Targets from CRM User can choose existing recipients from modules Accounts, Contacts and Users through a Parent field in GRID. The e-mail address is automatically populated.

Send Signature Request from PDF Templates User can choose one of the available HelloSign Templates previously created and managed by HelloSign UI.

Review Merged Fields On selecting a PDF Template the subpanel Fields is automatically loaded with Template's custom fields merged according to parent Record.

Map Targets with Template's Roles On selecting a PDF Template the subpanel Targets is automatically loaded with Template's Roles so user can decide who play each Role.

How to create Signature Requests

Signature Requests, named as HelloSign Documents can be created from subpanel under modules Accounts, Contacts, Opportunities, Quotes and Contracts. Parent Module - Record create HS.png

On clicking button create you are redirected to HelloSign create view. HelloSign - Create HS.png

Now you can select either Document or Template in the field Source.

Creating Signature Request from a Document (PDF file)

On selecting Document the page is updated according to respective informations: HelloSign - Create - Document HS.png

So you can set Related Document (PDF file only), Subject, Message and Targets. As Targets you are able to select from field Parent a Contact, Account or User. On selecting a record from that Parent the respective Name and Email are updated accordingly, so you can decide which Type is that Target, which means, either a Signer or a Viewer (Recipient).

Review the Document and hit button Send Now. The Signature Request is sent do HelloSign server and in few seconds the Targets gets appropriate email. The page is redirected to new created HelloSign Document. HelloSign - Pending Request.png

The Scheduled Job HelloSign Documents Sweeeper periodically looks for updates on HelloSign server, so once the Document is signed by all the Signers the respective HelloSign Document is updated in CRM. HelloSign - Signed Request.png

A Document record is created and related to that HelloSign Document. The signed PDF is downloaded and attached to new created Document record so you can review it directly from CRM. Document.png

Creating Signature Request from a Template (HelloSign Template)

On selecting Template the page is updated according to respective informations: HelloSign - Create - Template HS.png

So you can set HelloSign Template, Subject, Message and Targets. Fields Subject and Message may be disabled for editing if respective HelloSign Template has been marked as Locked Message?. Consult the CRM's Administrator if are not allowed to edit such fields. As Targets you are able to select from field Parent a Contact, Account or User. On selecting a record from that Parent the respective Name and Email are updated accordingly, so you can decide which Type is that Target, which means, either a Signer or a Viewer (Recipient).

Subpanel Fields is rendered so you can review/update the Merged Fields accordingly.

Review the Document and hit button Send Now. The Signature Request is sent do HelloSign server and in few seconds the Targets gets appropriate email. The page is redirected to new created HelloSign Document.

After sending a Signature Request you can either Resend or Cancel it from custom actions at Record view. HelloSign - Record actions.png - Cancel Document void that Signature Request on HelloSign Server the way no signer is able to sign it anymore. - Resend Document send an email reminder to all signers

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