by Lion Solution
Secure your SugarCRM or SuiteCRM system. Protection against brute force attacks. Track users' logins and protect your data. Detect and Defend your CRM system from threats coming from hostile IPs.
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Your demo site, doesn't work!
7 years ago
Sorry Jeff: it was a typo. Thanks for highlighting it. Here's the right link:
By the way, you'll notice that is a SuiteCRM environment; we couldn't provide yet a free SugarCRM 7 istance as a demo.
Are you sure you want to delete this case?
Oops! Did you mean to delete that? Restore deleted records and relationships without any developer intervention.
Your ERP Accounting data is integrated with your SugarCRM when you use Commercient’s SYNC app. SYNC Accounts, Contacts, Invoices, Sales Orders, Products, Pricing, Inventory, and more!
Manage customer subscription plans and billing directly within Sugar through this integration with SubscriptionFlow
Sign in with SugarCRM
7 years ago
Sorry Jeff: it was a typo. Thanks for highlighting it. Here's the right link:
7 years ago
By the way, you'll notice that is a SuiteCRM environment; we couldn't provide yet a free SugarCRM 7 istance as a demo.