by Rolustech

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#194 - Downloaded Zipfile for Gmail & Google Sync doesn't work

Closed Bug? created by Isaiah_Leslie 11 years ago

I purchased and downloaded the zip file for Gmail & Google Sync. Nothing happened when I opened the zip folder and there were no .exe files in any of the folders to start the process. What do I need to do to start this?

  1. jason member avatar

    jason Verified Purchase

    11 years ago

    Hello Isaiah. Sorry for missing this support case. I've moved it to the Gmail support area where they will be able to help. The zip file that you found gets installed in the SugarCRM Module Loader which is found in the Admin area.

  2. chad member avatar

    Chad Hutchins

    11 years ago

    Hello, I just wanted to check-in to see if you were to get this working?

  3. rolustech-primary-contact member avatar

    Rolustech Verified Purchase

    10 years ago


    We will close this ticket after 24 hours , you can let us know if you have any questions or plugin does not work for you.

    Thanks, Support

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