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#381 - Dashlets not add

Open Bug? created by mehrshid 10 years ago

Hello After securitysuite installation, Not things happened when i try to add new dashlets, Both for assigned users to a group or admin user. Sugarcrm 6.5.13

  1. eggsurplus member avatar

    eggsurplus Provider Affiliate

    10 years ago

    Any dashlet issues are usually due to file permissions. I'd reference these links for ensuring that everything set correctly:

  2. mehrshid member avatar


    10 years ago

    I read articles and check again all permission setting but problem exist. Is there any safe way to disable securitysuite form some seconds?

    • eggsurplus member avatar

      eggsurplus Provider Affiliate

      10 years ago

      Doing a "Disable" in Module Loader seems to work just fine for doing that. For the dashlet issue, do you have any themes installed, any errors in the browser console, any errors in the sugarcrm.log? Dashlets are being added and can be moved around just fine in all of my instances. Haven't heard of this in the 1,000+ installs since 6.5.13.


  3. mehrshid member avatar


    10 years ago

    Only "500 Internal Server Error 584ms" in firebug, nothing in sugar.log, I switched to standard theme with same result. Get

    • eggsurplus member avatar

      eggsurplus Provider Affiliate

      10 years ago

      What theme were you using? There are some themes that touch the dashboard core code. That could be the issue.

  4. mehrshid member avatar


    10 years ago


  5. mehrshid member avatar


    10 years ago


    • eggsurplus member avatar

      eggsurplus Provider Affiliate

      10 years ago

      I would recommend contacting them then. Themes are a more likely reason that the dashboard would be broken. Even if you switch back to the Classic theme there are many times overlapping code from a different theme due to the limitations of the SugarView framework.

  6. mehrshid member avatar


    10 years ago


  7. spagy member avatar


    10 years ago

    Dashlet is added on home page but when i logout from the admin and login again these are not there ...pls help me

    • eggsurplus member avatar

      eggsurplus Provider Affiliate

      10 years ago


      As I mention earlier in this support case this issue is usually related to file permissions. It can also be due to an issue with some other customization that you have such as a custom theme. I would suggest addressing those areas. This issue is unrelated to SecuritySuite as it touches different code.

      I hope this gets you in the right direction!


  8. wasimakramtechloyce member avatar


    8 years ago

    I have also to add dashlets. Error on firefox window is "TypeError: document.getElementById(...) is null". Please guide me about this.

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