#3348 - SugarCRM Health Check failing due to a Zendesk file
I'm running SugarCRM Prof On-Demand version and required to upgrade to 7.9. The SugarCRM Health Check returns the following error:
HC UnsupportedPropertyAccess
The example error shown above was caused by a problem in the named file, ./custom/include/ChartReports/SummaryQuery.php. The example custom code uses a property, field_name_map, which has been removed in Sugar We can see this on line 551 of the problematic file:
if ($fieldDef['type'] == 'relate') {
$relateId = $fieldDef['id_name'];
$fieldDef = $this->full_bean_list[$tableKey]->field_name_map[$relateId];
The field_defs property should be used instead of field_name_map. field_defs is compatible with all Sugar versions. In order to proceed with the upgrade, either update or remove the offending line of code or disable the specified file so that it no longer references the removed property.
if ($fieldDef['type'] == 'relate') {
$relateId = $fieldDef['id_name'];
$fieldDef = $this->full_bean_list[$tableKey]->field_defs[$relateId];
So, my question is, if I upgrade my Zendesk integration to the recent version 2.1.1, installing it over the existing instance, my issue will still exist, right? So, I need to uninstall the existing Zendesk, then install the v2.1.1. That will remove the problematic file and utilize the upgraded/updated code, I'm thinking, or no? Problem with that path?
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