by zagosweden
Using Community Edition as Project Management software and want your users to get an email when the are assigned to a Project Task? Simply install this fix for SugarCRM CE and your users will be notified upon being assigned to any Project Task.
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Notifications work well, but are very basic. would love to have the ability to customize the email.
11 years ago
Thanks for your support and suggestion. We will take it as new feature we work on in the future release.
Enforce specific user configurations and control how individual users can access those settings to streamline your onboarding process. Let the platform customize and uphold your user settings.
Deliver white-glove digital UI experiences to your customers and partners with Mobileforce's Connected Portal and mobile app builder. Mobileforce CX Portal is tightly integrated with SugarCRM.<...
Improve your lead acquisition process and enrich your information about prospects and customers. Leverage the power of ZoomInfo data to keep your SugarCRM Sell, Serve, Enterprise, and Professional ...
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11 years ago
Thanks for your support and suggestion. We will take it as new feature we work on in the future release.