There is a better way of doing business. These SugarCRM modules may help you find that way.
Are you tired of wasting time sifting through cluttered record views with irrelevant information and subpanels? Say goodbye to distractions and boost your productivity with UpsertĀ® Focused Views.
See the events from all activity modules plus your custom modules in one calendar. Create shared calendars by users, teams, and roles, see your activity lineup in agenda view, and manage employee shif...
Create a consolidated customer 360 view, streamline accounting processes, consolidate martech data for real-time marketing insights, optimize your sales and supply chain pipelines, or build live and d...
When you're on the road, Outlook is essential for continuing to communicate with your customers. Implicit FrontEnd is essential for accessing SugarCRM, updating and creating new CRM records, sche...
Dynamic Reports and Interactive Charts. A powerful tool for report creation and data analytics in SugarCRM. Includes a variety of chart types, detailed, summary and pivot tables. This Reporting Tool i...
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