SugarOutfitters Marketplace New Login Experience
Read more to implement our new login method! Specific registration is required and ensures you and your colleagues can purchase and access SugarOutfitters, the official SugarCRM marketplace.
How to Improve the Quality of your Customer Surveys
Learn how skip logic features can maximize the impact of your survey, and the data you collect is only from the relevant audiences. It also suggests tools that Sugar and Suite CRM can use for conducting surveys.
Sapiens.BI Overview for You!
Quickly access over 100 different charts and reports using your data, watch now!
Use TextExpander Alongside SugarCRM to Supercharge Your Sales Team
You already know that SugarCRM is the perfect tool to align your marketing, sales, and support teams to build your pipeline and drive revenue, but did you know you can push SugarCRM to the next level by taking advantage of our new TextExpander integration?
SugarOutfitters December Round-Up
Check out this month's new marketplace activity!
Add-On Spotlight
ChatGPT Integration for SugarCRM
FEATUREDIntegrating ChatGPT into SugarCRM can provide a significant boost to your business processes and improve your user experience. Quickly and easily access information, get answers to your questions, and... -
Customer Map Locator for Sugar
Locate your clients and prospects on a contextualized map. Visually identify clients by type icon. Get directions to help plan out your route. -
Ambit Configure Price Quote (CPQ)
FEATUREDAmbit’s CPQ for SugarCRM solution, powered by SugarCRM, can help you improve the accuracy and integrity of the sales process by reducing manual errors and the time required to generate quotes. A... - Show more addons