GDPR compliance simplified for SugarCRM
GDPR has been a hot topic for the past few months as it impacts just about every business and includes requirements that could add considerable effort in order to be in compliance. KIMANU put together a great solution to simplify that effort with a host of tools.
Zendesk's Own SugarCRM Integration End-of-Life Announced
Today, Zendesk announced that the integration they developed with SugarCRM years ago will no longer be supported as of October 13th, 2017. Support for SugarCRM has stalled over the past year with the last supported Sugar version being 7.5. As part of sunsetting the old integration, Zendesk is recommending current users to switch over to the SugarOutfitters version.
Free Marketing Automation for Everyone
As recently announced by MailChimp, all plans now include their marketing automation features for free. Even the Forever Free plans. What does this mean to you? Now you can build out your customer journey, with personalized automations, at no extra cost.
Creating Better SugarCRM Add-Ons With Better Feedback
Quality and outstanding service is most important to us at SugarOutfitters and our great partners. One of the constant challenges for our development partners of SugarCRM add-ons is getting good feedback. In addition to that, it's near impossible to know why a customer stopped using an add-on. Attempts to get this information during and after trials has helped to a point, but still leaves lacking for more. Today we launch a new feedback system to capture this information on every quit trial and subscription.
New Payment Method Added for Buyers and Sellers: Bank Transfers
There are many companies that are looking for a Sugar add-on or integration that have a strict no credit card policy. Sometimes the person doing the purchasing doesn't have direct access to the company credit card, debit card, or a PayPal account. To help customers in these scenarios we have rolled out a Bank Transfer payment option to our checkout page.
Add-On Spotlight
Sage 50 US Integration - SYNC by Commercient
FEATUREDYour ERP Accounting data is integrated with your SugarCRM when you use Commercient’s SYNC app. SYNC Accounts, Contacts, Invoices, Sales Orders, Products, Pricing, Inventory, and more! -
Web Form Integrator - Axia Add-On
FEATUREDConsolidate all of your web form activity into SugarCRM using the Web Form Integrator by Faye. This integration provides the ability for Sugar Sell, Sugar Serve, or Sugar Enterprise to be easily and s... -
Sales Quotas
Define Quotas for your Sales Reps and visualize achievement and forecast. - Show more addons