Make Your Events Even More Successful
Speaking engagements, conferences, performances, training sessions, networking gatherings, and club outings all have one thing in common: They’re good for generating leads and making connections. With Eventbrite you remove all the friction of managing your headcount and selling tickets, allowing you to focus efforts on your event, generate leads and make connections. Getting those attendees into your CRM, however, can be a manual and annoying challenge unless you have the Eventbrite SugarCRM Connector from Highland Solutions.
Need to Customize Your Target List Layouts and Subpanels?
If you have ever needed to move some fields around on the Target Lists module you may have done what you normally do for changing layouts and gone to Sugar's Studio tool. It makes sense as this is where you can add new fields, connect modules to other modules, and change your layouts. But when you go there you find that Target Lists is not in the module outline.
How Rolustech Used Add-Ons to Grow Their Business
Add-ons for SugarCRM have been around from almost Day 1 when they launched over ten years ago.
Many companies created these add-ons as a direct result from existing client projects. They then promoted these solutions in the hope of generating more consulting leads.
Ten years later this hasn’t changed much, apart from better overall quality add-ons. What has changed is how companies are now connecting more effectively with prospective clients.
I chatted with Rolustech’s CTO, Shahrukh Riaz, about how the company has grown since joining in early 2013 and turned their add-on business into a better lead generation tool for them.
Improve Conversions With Our New Webhooks
Three new webhooks have been added that we highly recommend that you take advantage of: no_license_24hours, trial_will_convert, subscription_will_renew. Learn how to take advantage of them and increase your conversions.
Biggest Takeaway of SugarCon 2015...Cat Hats!
If you were at SugarCon 2015 you probably saw many people walking around wearing these funny, but cute cat hats. A big thank you goes out to MailChimp who provided these beautifully crocheted cat hats with tongues sticking out. They quickly became the most sought after swag with none remaining by the time all was said and done.
Apparently the story behind those hats became something short of an urban legend as word spread. While all the facts have not yet been verified, it definitely made for an interesting twist.
Moving right along, let’s take a look at some our favorite Cat Hat pics over the past week:
Add-On Spotlight
Metrics for Sugar
FEATUREDMetrics enables users to view and generate reports based on additional data obtained from user and client activity, without any additional effort. This process is entirely automatic. Get additional in... -
Sage X3 Integration - SYNC by Commercient
FEATUREDYour ERP Accounting data is integrated with your SugarCRM when you use Commercient’s SYNC app. SYNC Accounts, Contacts, Invoices, Sales Orders, Products, Pricing, Inventory, and more! -
Stay on top of your open opportunities and improve your sales conversion rate. Delivered right to your inbox, you will always be equipped with the latest list of opportunities on hand. - Show more addons