Over time, as more purchases are made, it can sometimes be tough to track down a purchase as the list grows. For example, you may have made a number of separate purchases several months ago. From a quick glimpse you would need to expand each to determine which purchase is the one you are looking for. This is especially the case if you are making purchases on the behalf of clients. (We recommend they purchase on their own behalf to take advantage of our conflict notifications along with being able to take advantage of future capabilities, but we understand it if they would rather not)
To make it easier to spot the purchase you are looking for we added labels:
Clicking on "[edit]" opens up a quick edit form:
Once saved you can more easily scan the page to find the purchase that you need:
This is nothing earth shattering, but it makes life just a little bit easier. Let us know about any other tweaks that would be helpful.
By the way, if you are purchasing on the behalf of clients, why not take advantage of our Affiliate Reseller Program?
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