Organizing Files in a Module Zip
Since a given module installation is defined by the manifest.php included in the zip it is basically up to each developer to decide how to package their module. This flexibility is great but can cause both confusion for new developers and for folks trying to understand what a module zip contains.
Manifest Copy Directive in a SugarCRM Module
When it comes to developing solutions for SugarCRM there are many different ways to go about solving a particular challenge. In our Dev Tips series of blogs we will be highlighting various best practices for add-on development with the end goal of creating higher quality solutions while minimizing the chances of an end user experiencing an issue.
Add-On Spotlight
SubscriptionFlow Integration for Sugar
FEATUREDManage customer subscription plans and billing directly within Sugar through this integration with SubscriptionFlow -
Y Meadows - Email To Case
An advanced email to case solution for SugarCRM. Intelligently extract and route new Cases from inbound e-mails instantly. -
Mobileforce CX FSM
FEATUREDMobileforce's Field Service Management (FSM) solution is uniquely designed to streamline field service operations, enabling increased service capacity, improved first-time fix rates, reduced cost... - Show more addons