Using Freshdesk for your helpdesk? Then be sure to get visibility into your customers' tickets and exchanges from within Sugar. Arm your sales teams with all the information they need to be successful.
Works on all versions of Sugar including Sugar 8 and also with On Demand.
Highlevel Overview
Streamline all your customer conversations in CRM. This Integration helps you to manage your customer support case into CRM. It will create cases, account, contact, replies in CRM and will relate each other.
Know Every Support Case
There is nothing worse than calling to check in and potentially up-sell and be blindsided by an either an angry customer or one asking about how that support ticket is going. Having that information available to your sales teams is a must have. See all of this information right from within Sugar.
All Contact and Account Info
Sync and see Freshdesk contact and account information in Sugar. Fields include the standard name, address, email, etc and any custom fields you wish to bring over as well.
Conversations, too!
Tickets can take quite a bit of back-and-forth. These conversations are also available in Sugar with this integration.
To learn more about this solution go to Freshdesk Integration with SugarCRM or search for "Freshdesk".
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