How to Grow Customer Loyalty Throughout the Entire Journey - Live June 25th!
Hear from industry experts how CRM and DXP Technologies can help you achieve scalable personalization.
SugarOutfitters June Round-Up
Quickbooks, Search Enhancement, SAP Connector, see what's new to the marketplace in June!
In Case You Missed It! Recording for CData + SugarCRM Webinar
Recap and Recording for CData + SugarCRM's March 2nd Webinar: Simplify Reporting, Data Management, and Integration of your SugarCRM Data
SugarOutfitters Marketplace New Login Experience
Read more to implement our new login method! Specific registration is required and ensures you and your colleagues can purchase and access SugarOutfitters, the official SugarCRM marketplace.
Add-On Spotlight
Lampada HelloSign
*Send and track your signature requests with Lampada HelloSign!* This SugarCRM add-on enables you to send and track signature requests for Opportunities, Quotes, and Contracts. Have those documents qu... -
Stay on top of your open opportunities and improve your sales conversion rate. Delivered right to your inbox, you will always be equipped with the latest list of opportunities on hand. -
Sudologin allows administrators to quickly login as any user without needing to know their password. Great for configuring new users, reports, or resolving issues. - Show more addons