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Organizational Chart for SugarCRM

Posted by on October 29, 2012

This week’s addon up for review is OrgChart. It’s a simple and effective way to easily view a chart of your organization. One feature that you may not fully utilize in SugarCRM, is the ability to set the “Reports To” field when editing a user. Without OrgChart, the “Reports To” doesn’t do all that much; but with OrgChart, you can have a nicely designed organizational chart for your entire company without any additional work. All you have to do is make sure you've set your users' "Report To" fields correctly to their supervising users. So if Max reports to Sarah, simply make sure Max's user has his "Reports To" field set to Sarah's user. Simple as that. Probably the coolest thing about OrgChart is that it’s only 99 cents! Buy it today, and you can have an organizational chart for your company in no time!